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Family Mediation Lawyers

Untying The Knots, Your Guide to Family Law

“Untying The Knots is a new family law lawyers publication. It is the result of
a lengthy collaboration between between Legal Aid Offices in every state and the Northern Territory and Partner Visa and other immigration law practices around Australia. It is designed to provide an overview of the laws and processes that you may encounter in trying to resolve a family law dispute. While it is a national publication, each State and the Northern Territory has its own edition containing information specific to it. Commissions have endeavoured to make the publication a useful and easy to read resource that you can refer to for information.


  • Client Policies
  • Where relevant, the client will be advised in writing at the earliest possible opportunity of:
    • the terms of the grant of aid
    • the name of the assigned solicitor
    • how that solicitor may be contacted
    • arrangements for the client’s first interview
    • what the client is expected to do to assist in the progress of their case
    • appeals and complaints procedures
    • 3.3 If necessary, the responsible officer will assist the client to apply for a grant of aid or an extension of aid.
    • 3.4 Where possible, no interview, whether in-person or by telephone, should be conducted with people requiring an interpreter without a qualified interpreter in attendance or assisting through the telephone interpreter service.
    • 3.5 If a possible delay in the progress of the client’s matter becomes apparent the client must be advised as soon as reasonable.
    • 3.6 Clients must be kept informed of the progress of any matter in which they are being assisted. The following minimum standards apply:
    • Regular client contact by telephone or correspondence
    • Copies of all relevant substantive correspondence sent or received on behalf of the client must be forwarded to the client

  • Client Strategies 


  • Corporate Standards In Family Law 1.0 The standard will be achieved by the following:2.1 The supervisor of each section must ensure adequate staffing levels to manage public enquires during business hours.2.2 All officers should treat the public with respect and dignity.2.3 Strategies should be adopted for dealing appropriately with angry or aggressive clients.2.4 If Legal Aid is unable to assist the person, consideration must be given to appropriate referrals.2.5 Telephones calls, whether to the Switchboard or to any extension, should be answered within five rings.2.6 All messages taken on behalf of another officer must be taken with care and attention to detail. Messages must include the following:
  • Ethical Obligations January 30, 2015All Officers must observe the highest standard of ethical behaviour. The confidentiality of client information is paramount.
    The standard will be achieved by the following:1.1 All officers are to observe the ethical standards of public employees and the legal profession and if there is conflict, the latter will prevail.1.2 The provision of legal assistance creates a solicitor/client relationship.1.3 No officer shall disclose any information or produce any documents concerning the affairs of a client acquired during the course of the officer’s employment, except in accordance with the relevant ethical standards or legislation.1.4 Any formal request to produce information under the exemptions to the above provisions must be referred to the appropriate officer of the relevant section.1.5 Legal assistance must be provided in accordance with the terms of the grant of aid.